The Right Way to Deal with Ear Wax

Health Advice

The Right Way to Deal with Ear Wax: Safe Methods for Removal

Our ears are incredible self-cleaning machines, but sometimes, they need a little help. Ear wax, medically known as cerumen, serves an important purpose in protecting our ears. However, when it accumulates excessively, it can lead to discomfort, reduced hearing, and even blockages. In this blog post, we'll explore various methods of ear wax removal, highlighting the safe and effective approaches you should consider.

Natural Ear Wax Removal

Most of the time, our ears are perfectly capable of managing their own cleanliness. Ear wax, when healthy in quantity, is expelled naturally from the ear canal. You may notice small bits of ear wax in the outer opening of your ear – this is a sign that your ear is doing its job. To assist the process, you can gently remove visible ear wax using a cloth or by allowing warm water to rinse it away during your shower.

Methods to Avoid

  • Cotton Buds: It's a common misconception that cotton buds are an effective ear wax removal tool. In reality, they usually push ear wax deeper into the ear canal, potentially causing blockages and risking damage to the delicate eardrum.
  • Ear Candling: This method involves inserting a hollow cone candle into the ear and lighting the other end, claiming to create suction for removing ear wax. Scientific studies have shown this method to be both ineffective and dangerous, with a potential for ear damage and burns.
  • Ear Syringing: Once considered a standard ear wax removal method, ear syringing has fallen out of favor due to safer alternatives. Complications from ear syringing can include eardrum perforation, external otitis, pain, vertigo, and tinnitus.

Safe Ear Wax Removal Methods

  • Microsuction: Considered the gold standard of ear wax removal, microsuction is the most comfortable, effective, and safest method. Skilled clinicians use a specialised suction device to gently and efficiently remove ear wax. Unlike ear irrigation, no water is required, ensuring a clean and mess-free process. Typically, this procedure takes just a few minutes per ear, allowing you to be on your way swiftly.

Seek Professional Help

If you experience a blocked ear, sudden hearing loss, or suspect excessive ear wax, it's essential to consult an expert. They will assess your ear for any issues and, if ear wax is found, employ microsuction ear wax removal to safely and effectively clear your ear canal. Don't let ear wax troubles interfere with your hearing and overall ear health.

At Easons we have pharmacists that specialise in diagnosing and treating a variety of ear conditions - not just wax. We can act as a one stop stop of all of your ear related issues.

Book an appointment today and experience the benefits of safe and professional ear wax removal. Your ears will thank you!

  • Kieran Eason

October 19th, 2023