Needle Exchange services

A free, confidential service for people who inject drugs, providing new, sterile injecting equipment.

Needle Exchange

The Needle and Syringe Exchange Service is a free, confidential service for people who inject drugs. You can get new, sterile injecting equipment through the service. This reduces your risk of catching viruses, like HIV and hepatitis B and C, which are spread by contact with infected blood. The service also disposes of used equipment safely, which reduces the risk of other people coming into contact with these viruses via used needles or syringes

Who can use it?

If you inject drugs of any sort, you can use a needle and syringe exchange service. This includes opioids, steroids, stimulants and tanning solutions. You do not have to commit to any treatment to use the service, although the staff will be happy to help you access other services at any time if you want.

What can I expect at an exchange?

You will be treated in a respectful manner at all times by all staff and your exchange will be confidential. It is also expected that you will behave in a respectful way towards staff and other clients at all times.

You can get sterile needles and syringes for injecting, and associated materials, such as citric acid, sterile water and swabs, along with sharps containers for returning used equipment in.

It is really important that you return your needles so they can be disposed of safely. Before bringing them to the pharmacy, put them in your small sharpsbin, and make sure it is properly sealed.